With me.. SIMPLICITY is Key.. A few month a go I got back in touch with a good friend.. well.. we have been having fun.. she got me into scrap booking.. Hey, i have tons of pictures.. so why not.. I love being behind a camera.. so.. to share with family and friends.. here are pictures thru the years.. Some with family and some with friends.. Click to see the fun.. there are over 50 here that's why i inserted a jump break.. lol

Our wedding day.. i have a friend that has more pictures so ill add those hopefully soon.
My Mother in law about a year before she passed away.

My Husbands Grandmother.. The was a kick.

My son Joey.. His first year of baseball.
In this case.. it was T-Ball
Joey in 1St grade I believe

My Wonderful kids and i thru the years
Kids on the first day of school

The only pictures i have of my husband when he was younger
My husband and his favorite past time.. Fishing

My Beautiful kids..2008
The kids Much younger..lol

Joey at age 1
Joey age 1

My Brother Robert.. If he see's this.. he is probably
wondering how i got these.. Shhh. i got them off the internet.. I am soo Proud of him.
Myseld and One of my very few Good Friends..

My kids..lol.. can you tell i love them. :)
A day at the park in cal city with my kids and my niece tottie

Destiny as a baby(1 month old) and her daddy.. Jim
My hubby Jim and his goose Felicity(a few months old)

My Mother in law through the years..
Jims Grandparents through the yrs before he passed at age 53

Our old time photo2003
Jim's Grandmother..Grams.. and our girls..

Our family Photos..
At a friends kids Christmas program at school

Felicity thru the years..
A friends kids school program Years ago..lol

My beautiful kids in 2008
Joey helping make Homemade Pumpkin Pies

Girls birthday party years ago
Destiny and Felicity doing homework

A neighbor friend of ours, the kids and i
Joey and Daddy hanging out with Grams

Felicity and Destiny Hanging out with Grams
A day to the lake page 1

page 2

Bass lake and Yosemite trip..
Here is bass lake and kids.
Us all at Yosemite

A trip at A&W Rootbeer..
1st time Joey went. he had a Blast

He loved it so much he got a Mug.. to keep!
Joey and his Mug.. The simple things..

A dear friend, her daughter and my kids
DISNEY TRIP.. 1St time for the kids

The kids at the station waiting for the train at Disneyland
Friends we went with, Jim and kids

I went to Hollywood for the first time with friends and had fun..
I got pics with Elvis, the tallest man in the world, avatars.. etc
Friends i went with..

Trip to Mississippi.. To visit Gramdma
The way out there.. rest stops..

L.A. Zoo.. The kids had a great time..
I'm still not done with the scrap book.. I have 2 of them going.. one of family and friends.. then one of vacations and Road-trips.. This hobby is fun, productive and i don't have pictures laying around in boxes or totes.. Believe me i have a big tote the pictures are all in.. the girls are even doing scrapping now..
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