So i Love Pinterest... so much I've told my Hubby im having an affair with it.. lol My hubby Jim Laughs at me.. I've told him.. "well babe, i have well over 9500 repins!"..
So as a challenge.. I've adopted from one of my cousins... whom also has a blog... As i do things i have repinned.. ill take a picture and post it here... i have a few i have already done.. For some reason i'm unable to put a few of the original ideas that i've got to my blog page.. im still learning...
I am assuming this is a Martha Stewart pic but...
Then here is mine in progress till its done...
The gord itself.. Its so Pretty... I drew 3 holes on the sides then cut them out with a knife...

Then painted it Green.. added a bit of Metallic we had.. Put holes at the top to hang it. it was fast and easy..
here is the end product.
Now is the Dry Erase Board
Made from a frame and i even used fabric under the glass.. Though i did not use it for the Menu.. Just a white board.. i make list's on it for everything.
All i did was got a frame for an 8x10 we had around the house and spray painted it white. Then i put a piece of fabric in between the glass and the backing. I use a rag or papertowel to wife it right off. most of the time i even keep a washcloth behind it so its there to wipe off.
I had made one of these for my Hubby's friends Wedding gift.. but i got a piece of paper that had a decoration on it... and printed their last name and est(date) on it.. I even added Markers.. lol I provided them with a white sheet of paper, and 2 sheets that had different designs.. all with their Last name..
Now is the Drying Rack.
Mine is a lil bit different than the one i found on Pinterest.I was gonna make it with 3 frames but one of the frames decided it didn't want to work with me. Plus i got one long 10ft chain and cut it to the dementions i needed and i screwed the chain to the sides.. via my dear wonderful hubby's idea.. I also used the aluminum screening..
Lip Gloss
This was another wonderful find and fun for the kids that i found on pinterest.. I am unable to find where i found it.. we even use it all the time.. more then when i used chap stick or store bought Lip Gloss. It was very easy.. All it takes is containers vasoline and i used powder eye shadow... o i also used the gel capsule of vit E.
Glass art
This was fun.. 2 candle stick holders, medium size glass plate and a candy dish bowl..I glued them togther with Gorilla Glue.. waited a day then I spray painted it white..
Painted Jars.. Original Idea came from..
Here are 3 jars that i painted green.. just by adding paint into the jar then my kids rolled the jar slowly to let the paint run down..
From Dresser to Island in the Kitchen..
Now here is one of my Favorites....
Here is the original dresser i found at a thriftstore.. it needs some major Tlc...

Here my son is helping me take off the stickers then we start sanding...filling in the holes..

repainting and staining...
Finished island.. we even painted the back so when it faces people its not ugly. This over all we have done so far is far my Favorite..
Mud Scrub: DIY
I use this all the time.. i feels good and leaves my skin feeling soft.
I just took this picture today.. it was full. My teen girls even love to use it.